Wedding Planning and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

PSA: Coronavirus + Wedding Planning

Hello Beautiful Brides, Vendors, Guests, and Friends,

My heart aches for those immediately impacted by the postponement mandation for upcoming 2020 weddings and events . I understand how stressful this time must be.

My team and I have received an abundance of calls, texts, and emails from so many who are just as nervous, frustrated, and stressed as you. As a Wedding Expert specializing in designing contingency plans and keeping couples, vendors and families at ease, I have taken the liberty of answering very hard questions in the following short video.

1. Immediate couples : Why postponing instead of cancelling is in your favor.

2. All 2020 couples: What you need to do RIGHT NOW to prepare for your wedding

3. 2021 couples: the residual impact of what this means for your wedding

4. Postponement protocol and procedures

5. Alternate avenues if your wallet is being hit hard from the harsh reality of layoffs (Mico weddings and virtual weddings).

5. Seeing the positives in this situation.